Sunday, July 12, 2009

It's gone...

It's all gone, there isn't a green thing on our place that has survived...maybe my Lilacs but they're stripped. My plum is stripped of leaves and some bark. There are fences everywhere down. Goats, Cows, Chickens have all gone nuts. 6 of the 90 chicks are gone the others are in the bathtub in the house. The baby girl bunny is back in with her brother since her hutch was rolled and temporarily destroyed. She's muddy, cold, wet but otherwise looks alright. Our cans we were saving for recycling are now on their way to Kansas and the bags lay in shreds. The road is washed out and we have waterfalls. More tomorrow and pictures...*sigh* I don't know why I even try to keep green things alive. I certainly don't have a clue where to start the clean up either. I don't know whether to cry at all we've lost or rejoice at all that's left.


small farm girl said...

I know you have heard this before, but, things do get better. I'm sorry you had to go through that. Don't cry, just start working.

Michaela Dunn Leeper said...

OMG!! Was it storms or tornadoes? Big hugs to you. I'll be up there next week to relly hug you!!!

Zachary and Jennifer said...

My goodness, what happened??


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