We started with dinner (something you did from the years they had brats, the brats were always gone by the end of the night)
Lilly had a hot dog and some white cheddar popcorn
Then we had ice cream sandwiches.
Then we were messy so we cleaned up a bit.
Then we wandered over to the balloons and got a balloon and since there wasn't much of a line yet for the tattoos or face-painting we stood in line for those. Lilly got a tattoo of a butterfly on her arm.
And a ladybug on her cheek, which took all of two seconds to smear.
Then we decided to check out the bouncy's. We thought she might be too young for some of them but that she could do others and would enjoy it. Boy were we wrong!
But watching the others play was a good opportunity for making friends.
Then with daddy along to reassure and help Lilly tackled the obstacle course.
She wasn't doing too bad by the end. she says the bouncy things still aren't her thing.
Then we watched all the kids zipping down the slide and she wanted to try it. so her and daddy climbed the slide and slid down! She enjoyed the climbing but didn't think much of it when it was her on the slide coming down. Maybe next year she'll enjoy these more. There were kids barely taller then her making their way up the rock climbing blowup. I have hope for her for next time.
Entertainment was provided in the form of some gymnastics and a dance by the local gymnastics girls team.
They also did handstands.
Then we had to get snowcones! This was the one thing she thoroughly enjoyed last year. She enjoyed it no less this time.
Down to every last slurp!
Then since we'd found uncle Rick we all walked back to get more food and she got to swing a bit between their arms
She got Cheetohs this time! and double fisted it!
Then we enjoyed some of the live music provided by the local band and danced till the sun went down! (If I can figure out how to do a video on here I'll put a dancing one on.)
And we're all looking forward to a wonderful time and tons more fun and food next year!